Hey, I ran out of storage for my current blog, so I've created a second webpage. I will publish all my future entries on this new website and you can find it under the following link: http://einesaechsininengland2.jimdofree.com/
insanity (out of 10): 0 something random: Nutella has a sun protection factor of 9.7. Yes, I am aware that this is no surprisingly new fact, but I think it is still extraordinary enough to mention it because … Who on earth would waste Nutella as sun protection? Hello, it is only the second day of my self-isolation newsletter and I have already run out of good ideas … That's why I want to do something very basic today - telling you a story from my slightly odd everyday life. I suppose that...
insanity (out of 10): 0 something random: There is an entire Wikipedia article about TOILET PAPER ORIENTATION? -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet_paper_orientation Hello, I know … it was a while ago since I published my last entry and quite a lot of things happened in the meantime. I guess the most shocking news are that my school has now finally shut down because of the corona virus. Yeah! :( Some international students have decided to go back to their native countries, but my host...
Hiya, Well, I admit that it has been quite a while since my last entry, but January was a busy month for me. So let me give you a brief summary about what I did during the previous weeks ... 2 January 2020: Marina (our Croatian exchange student) and I went for a day out in London. It was my fourth time there, but Marina has never been to London before, so she was very excited about our trip. We went for a long walk around the City of London and Westminster and we also went to the Tate Modern...
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I personally had a very good time this year, so let me tell you about my Christmas experience in England. (Wow, the introduction was amazingly short today!) On the 17th of December, I was at the pantomime “Mother Goose” at the Marlow Theatre in Canterbury and although it was partly VERY strange and exaggerated, I had a lot of fun. It was the first time that I saw (or should I rather say “experienced”?) a pantomime, so I was...
Heya, Today I won’t spend too much time on writing a fancy introduction and tell you straightforward about my last weeks in England instead. Around the end of October, my host family decided that their house is big enough for another exchange student, so Marina, a 17-year-old girl from Croatia, moved in about one month ago. During the first days after her arrival, she was shy and seemed to feel quite lost sometimes, but I assume that every exchange student has to go through this phase at the...
After being asleep for almost the entire Half Term so far, I think I should wake up now and let you know that I am still alive. To be honest, I have really looked forward these holidays because the first term of this school year has been quite exhausting sometimes, but after all it was an interesting time. I think that I have finally arrived in England, both emotionally as well as in regard to the language, and I hope that I can enjoy the next term without being afraid of any language barriers...
Hello everybody, After a long time of not writing any further articles for my blog, I finally found enough time (and motivation) to bring you up-to-date about my exchange year in England. Well, you have PROBABLY noticed that I decided to write this article in English (or at least I try to do so) and I am honestly not quite sure if this is a good idea because my language skills are still ... worthy of improvement. However, I have noticed that it is always hard to go back to English as soon as I...
Diese Worte beschreiben meine derzeitige Situation wohl am treffendsten, denn nach langem Warten und Hoffen, dass die Zeit bis zu meiner Abreise nicht zu langsam vergeht, folgte nun ein Event aufs andere. Eine wunderbare Abschiedsfeier stand auf dem Programm, der für mich letzte Schultag in Deutschland sowie das lang ersehnte Kofferpacken, die Reise nach Berlin, von wo aus viele andere Austauschschüler und ich nach London aufbrachen, die Einführungstage in London sowie das größte Ereignis...
So langsam nimmt die Sache mit meinem Auslandsaufenthalt in England an Fahrt auf … Erst stand im Mai eines der Vorbereitungstreffen von meiner Austauschorganisation an und nicht einmal zwei Monate danach habe ich dann letzten Freitag von meiner Gastfamilie und Schule in England erfahren. Hip, hip, hurra! Doch eins nach dem anderen … Wie schon erwähnt, fand am letzten Maiwochenende in Berlin für einige Austauschschüler*innen, darunter auch ich, ein Vorbereitungstreffen statt. Dazu...